If you have encountered some or all of the following:
- Wrong amount accrued to the employee(s)
- Nothing accrued to the employee(s)
- The Time-Off accrued on the wrong date
One of the many issues might be either:
1. The employee had not been entered into the software on the date when the accruals had run.
2. The employee had not been assigned the correct Time-Off plan on the date when the accruals had run.
3. The plan was not set to accrue on the correct date.
4. The plan was set to accrue on a Fiscal Date but the correct Fiscal Date was not established.
5. The plan was set to have a maximum balance and the employee has already reached that limit.
It could also be caused by a lot of other things, but here is something you could do to resolve those issues. Just be mindful that any corrections you make will not retroactive.
It is possible to make these changes retroactive but the only way to do so is to re-run your Time-Off accruals from as far back in the past as you wish. To do this, please follow the steps below:
1. Click File > Maintenance > Perform Accruals. A popup will open where you can see the last date on which accruals ran.
Perhaps you simply need to run your accruals.
If so, click Run Accrual and when it is done, click Post Accruals and then click Close.
If they have run through [today], move on to step 2.
2. Open the Calendar screen of an employee whose balance is wrong. Click the Year Settings tab directly under the calendar.
3. Take note of when the [current year] began. There are three possibilities:
- January 1st of this year
- The last Anniversary of the employee
- Whenever the current fiscal year began
If the [year] has been set to start on the wrong date, you'll have to open the Time-Off plan and change it to start on the correct date. To do this, you'll need to proceed to step 4.
4. Open the Time-Off Assignments screen.
5. Take note of the name of the plan assigned to the employee. ...Is it the correct Plan? If it is, move to the next bullet point. If not, assign the correct plan, save it.
--NOTE-- Changing the assigned Time-Off plan will not immediately correct the way that Time-Off accrued. Such changes are not retroactive.
You will need to now go back and remove the accruals that took place incorrectly in the past and re-run them forward from that previous date through today. See Re-run Time-Off Accruals below.
Switch the plan if it is not already correct. If the correct Time-Off plan has been assigned, see whether any Time-Off amount has been entered under Initial Deposit. If there has, please check the Date of Initial Deposit. If the year of the deposit is:
- The current Calendar Year
- The current Fiscal Year
- The current Anniversary Year
It will count toward the limit of what may be EARNED [this year - as you define year] in the Time-Off plan. To see how your year is defined, follow steps 6, 7, and 8.
6. Click Settings > Time-Off Plans.
7. Select the Time-Off plan in question from the listed plans and click Plan Setup.
8. See when you have set the plan to start over each year.
9. Check to see whether you set the plan to carryover. The plan will either carryover or zero-out at midnight the day before [your year] begins.
The actual limit of what employees may earn [overall] is set over on the right side of the Time-Off plan under:
If you put a zero under this heading you effectively remove this limit altogether allowing the employee to earn more than simply what the Time-Off plan alone will give.
10. Next you'll want to check to see what limit you put for carryover (if you even allow carryover).
11. Finally, you'll want to see whether you have limited employees on the total amount of Time-Off they may have.
If you made any changes those changes will NOT be retroactive. You will need to re-run your accruals from the point in the past where they had accrued incorrectly through today.
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