Gradience Pro/Enterprise - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions for Gradience Attendance Pro / Enterprise 

Get answers to the most popular questions people ask when using the "Attendance" portion of Gradience Attendance with Employee Recordkeeping.


What are my support options?


Gradience Support has now transitioned to a self-service model. As a customer you can no longer submit a ticket to receive support, but instead use the knowledge-base articles to service any issues.

The knowledge-base consists of over 500 articles to assist you in resolving various issues and we will continue to expand it to meet your self-service needs.


Is there a handy library of “How-To” articles?


Our knowledge-base contains several "How-To" articles. Search using said keyword or keywords relating to the area you need help on. We also have articles that cover fixes to errors commonly reported by customers, most these articles contain "Solution To" on their titles.


How can Time-Off be tracked when it isn’t earned?


If you wish to track the number of hours/days employees are out for Unexcused Absences, you have two options:

Option One: Create a Time-Off Bank for Time-Off that isn’t earned. Call it Unexcused Absence and assign a None plan to it. Use an Absence Reason Code on the calendar screen to document any absences of this type. The Absence Reason Code will debit the balance of this bank. Because the balance starts out at zero, the balance in the bank will go negative on the calendar screen.

The program comes with a None plan already created. If you don’t have such a plan it is because someone in your organization changed that plan to something else. If this happened, recreate it. For simple instructions, visit this ARTICLE.

Option Two: Don’t bother creating a Time-Off Bank called Unexcused Absence in the first place. Do create an Absence Reason Code for it though and then you can use the Absence Detail Report to see how many hours/days of unexcused absences employees have taken for a specified date range rather than tracking a visible running negative balance on the calendar screen. This way, this type of Time-Off will not appear on the Employee Balance Report, the Transaction Detail Report, or the Year in Review Report or on the Calendar screen.


Is it possible to eliminate an unwanted Time-Off Bank?


If you no longer wish to [use] a particular Time-Off Bank, you don’t have to delete it. You can simply assign the None plan to it so that Time-Off will no longer accrue to it. By keeping it though, it will continue to appear on the Employee Balance Report, the Transaction Detail Report and the Year in Review Report as well as under the calendar on the calendar screen.

Visit this ARTICLE for more information.


Is it possible to add a new Time-Off Bank? You may wish to add Floating Holiday or Religious Holiday or Comp Time, etc.


Yes, it is. Visit this ARTICLE for more information.


Can I troubleshoot my Time-Off Accruals when I have a problem?


Yes. Visit this ARTICLE on how.


Is it possible to remove bad Time-Off Accruals and re-run them from some point in the past after the rules are corrected?


Yes. Visit this ARTICLE on how.

--TIP-- Although your [license] must be renewed annually, the software gets updated from time to time throughout the year for FREE! To take advantage of FREE periodic updates as they become available visit --IMPORTANT-- This is NOT an upgrade. Visit this ARTICLE for more information.



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