Gradience Employee Handbook Manager - Error: hbmgr.ini is not found
IMPORTANT! If you got this error by selecting Bilingual Demo, the steps below will not provide a solution because the Bilingual version of this software is no longer available.
1. Go to Click on Submit a Request. Ask us to send you the hbmgr.ini file.
2. Once you receive the file from us: place the file on your desktop.
3. Go to the following folder:C:\ProgramData\Gradience\Templates
If you cannot find this path, left-click your Windows Start button and in the address field, type the following...
Then navigate to Gradience > Templates.
4. From your desktop, double-click on the zip file you pasted there earlier. This will open a window where you will see the file you need.
5. Copy that file and close the window you found it in.
6. Paste the copied file into C:\ProgramData\Gradience\Templates.
7. Close that window and open Gradience Employee Handbook Manager.
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