Handbook - Number Formatting is Wrong

Numbered Portions of Handbook Text Display Incorrectly in Step 4

We apologize for the inconvenience. This issue was recently discovered and has been escalated to our software development team. We can however offer you a workaround that you can follow until the issue is resolved and a free version update is made available.

You can go to step two and then click Edit Policy and highlight the first paragraph that is numbered (1) and then go to the top of the screen and click on the "numbering" button to [remove] the number. Then click just before the first word of that paragraph and "type" the number 1, then a period and then hit your space bar once or twice.

Doing this will cause the next paragraph to be numbered (1) so you'll have to repeat this process for the next paragraph but instead of typing the number 1, type the number 2.

It is too difficult to isolate [only] the paragraphs with numbers to then deactivate the numbering format because you'll invariably "select' more text than you want. Doing this paragraph-by-paragraph ensures that you [only] select what you want to select.

You will notice as you do this that the left edge of the additional lines of each paragraph line up with the [number] rather than with the rest of the text. Regrettably, this is unavoidable.

Once you've saved these changes, your finished product will have corrected numbering.

Please click the links below to visually see what we have described here.

We apologize that we cannot offer you a better solution at this time. Once the issue has been resolved by the software development team, a FREE version update will be made available for download. The software will notify you when this FREE update is available.



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