Backing Up the Database Takes a Long Time to Complete
This is likely due to the database size. The more data the database contains, the longer it will take for the backup to run.
If your database has photos of employees, it may be possible to reformat the photos as a way of reducing the amount of data. Assuming you have already backed up your database, please click the file below to shrink the photos contained within the Gradience database. If the process results in any issues, you may restore the previous backup.
Restoring a Previous Backup:
--WARNING-- This will overwrite your current data. Perform a backup so that you will be able to restore the original data later. From within the program, click File > Maintenance > Back up Database.
- If the database is not on this computer, the backup will begin immediately.
If the database is on this computer, the Select Directory window will open.
Using the Select Directory window, navigate to where you want the backup to reside and click OK.
Restoring a previous backup:
- In Vista or Windows 7, or Server 2003: Click Start > All Programs > Gradience > Maintenance> Database Monitor. Please be patient. There will be a slight delay before it opens.
- In Windows 8, or Windows 10, or Server 2008, or Server 2012: Click Start > All Apps > Gradience > Database Monitor. Please be patient. There will be a slight delay before it opens.
1. Log into it as you would log into the software.
2. When it opens, click Backup > Backup Now.
3. Click yes to question about running a sweep.
4. Using the Select Directory window, navigate to where you want the backup to reside and click OK.
5. Click File > Exit > Yes.
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