On rare occasions you may have connections that are no longer active but show in the Database Monitor like the ones shown in the image below. On even rarer occasions, these inactive connections cannot be cleared. This can quickly become a problem when you only have a 5-user license. You will need to follow the steps below to clear them completely. Make sure there are no users logged into the application.
--NOTE-- The following steps can only be done while physically at the computer where the database resides. You may encounter difficulty trying to run this through a remote tool like RDP.
1. At the machine where the database resides, right-click go into Services.
2. Stop Firebird and then minimize the Services screen.
3. Find the database by going to C:\Programdata\Gradience and opening the hrware.ini file.
At the top, you’ll see three lines as follows:
PATH=c:\Programdata\gradience\data\hrware.gdb (Your path may differ.)
SERVER=Localhost (Your server name/IP address may differ.)
5. On the PATH line, change hrware.gdb to hrware1.gdb and click File > Save and close the file.
6. Navigate to your actual database file (hrware.gdb) and rename it to hrware1.gdb.
7. Maximize the Services screen, and restart Firebird and close out of the Services screen.
8. Open the Database Monitor.
- On Vista, Windows 7 or Server 2008:From the desktop, click on your Windows Start button > All Programs > Gradience > Maintenance > Database Monitor. Enter the same login and password you use for the program. Please be patient. There will be a delay before it opens.
- On Windows 8, Windows 10 or Server 2012:From the desktop, click on your Windows Start button All Apps > Gradience > Database Monitor. Enter the same login and password you use for the program. Please be patient. There will be a delay before it opens.
9. Log in as you would log into the program and be patient while it opens as there will be a delay.109. Click Connections > Clear Inactive Connections and then close the DB Monitor.
10. Go back into Services and stop Firebird and then minimize the Services screen.
11. Go back to C:\Programdata\Gradience and reopen the Hrware.ini file.
12. For PATH= rename the hrware1.gdb to hrware.gdb then click File > Save and close the file.
13. Maximize the Services screen and restart Firebird.
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