Attendance - Index out of bounds

Correct Time-Off Bank sort numbers/Index out of bounds

1. Go to the top of the screen and click Settings Time-Off Banks.

You'll get the following screen:

2. On the left, click on the bank with the wrong Sort number.

3. On the right, click in the Sort field and enter the correct Sort number.


If the Time-Off Banks are not sorted correctly, you may have to change the sort number of the last bank to the next highest sort number. Then you can change the other sort numbers as needed and then correct the one with the highest sort number so that it is no more than 10 higher than the previous number. The numbers are entered in increments of ten.

--NOTE-- You may not see a change in the sort order the first time you return to the Time-Off Assignments screen or the first time you go to the Calendar screen. If that happens, please go to the upper-right and click the X just under the Gradience logo and then go to the left and click Time-Off Assignments. Now the list of banks will be sorted properly.



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