Issue: Local user is unable to open HRcalendar but the domain Admin can.
Log into the machine as the domain admin:
Option One:
1. Download and install the Server installation from here and choose the defaults.
2. Click Start > All Programs > HRcalendar > Add HRcalendar User
3. Enter the domain followed by the user's Windows login username and press Add User
--NOTE-- If you encounter any issues it is recommended that you right-click the Add HRcalendar User shortcut and Run As Administrator.
Option Two:
1.Uninstall SQL Express and HRcalendar.
2.Temporarily move the user to the Administrator group in Windows.
3.Install SQL Express and HRcalendar.
4.Verify that the software will open.
5.Move the user back to the Standard or Other group.
Option Three:
Open the program click on Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server 2005 > Configuration tools > SQL Server Configuration Manager > SQL Server 2005 Services > Right click on SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS), > Properties (see below)
From the Properties window click the drop down arrow next to Network Service and you have two options:
See these options on the next page…
- If running the software as a Server-Client, select Network Service > OK.
- If running the software as a Standalone, select Local Service > This Account > Browse.
When the Select User or Group screen opens, click Advanced.
From the next screen click Find Now from this screen browse for and highlight the local user’s name and click OK
When the Select User or Group screen reopens, the name will be indicated. Click OK.
When the next screen opens, enter the password that the user uses to log into his/her workstation. Reenter it again to confirm it and click OK. Log out as the admin and log in as the user. You should be able to open the program without any problems.
Option Four:
If your operating system is Windows XP:
Determine your DOMAIN\USERNAME by clicking three keys on your keyboard at the same time: CRTL ALT DELETE and note your DOMAIN is followed by your user name.
If your operating system is Windows 7:
Determine your username by right-clicking the taskbar and clicking Start > Task Manager > Users tab. This will show you your username. To determine the domain left-click the START button and select Control Panel. In the Control Panel click the System icon. Note the domain name.
Example: corp.tcc.inet - in this example "corp" would be the domain needed.
Download the attachment below named "". Unzip “” to C:\Program Files\HRcalendar Software\HRcalendar in Windows XP and C:\Program Files (x86)\HRcalendar Software\HRcalendar in Windows 7.
Windows XP Example:
Windows 7 Example:
Run “AddHRcalenderUser.exe” (it is recommended that you right-click the file and Run As Administrator first).
Input the domain followed by the Windows username (ex: domain\username). Press Add User after inputting this information
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