Attendance - How To: Time-Off: Earn One Hour Sick Time for Every 30 Hours Worked

Earn One Hour Sick Time for Every 30 Hours Worked

Employers in Eugene, Oregon, the state of California and Connecticut as well as elsewhere in the country are now required to grant 1 hour Sick Time for every 30 hours worked.

Gradience Attendance can accommodate this through the Hours Worked feature but the result it will [not] be precisely 1 hour of Sick Time for every 30 hours worked. It will wind up being .02 hours too much. The reason it will initially be slightly higher than what you want is because when you slice an hour into 30 pieces, each slice is worth 2 minutes, which is .03333333333... of an hour. No matter how many decimal places you enter, it would still not land precisely on the right number. Don't worry though because you can make a correction by doing a manual adjustment after the time exceeds what has been mandated by the city ordinance.

Here's what you will need to do:

1. Create a new Time-Off plan - Go to Settings > Time-Off Plans

2. Click New > No to Wizard > configure with the following settings:

  • Time Off Based On - Hours Worked
  • Time Earned In - Hours
  • Each new years starts on -any or default
  • Select what to do with prior year balance -any or default

3. Under Hours Earned per hour Strictly from this plan alone you would enter 0.034. Click Save to finish.

--NOTE-- As mentioned previously 30 x .034hrs = 1.02hrs. This is .02 hours more than what has been mandated by the city of Eugene. You will have to do an Adjustment to Used to remove the excess Sick Time. Visit out article on how to manually adjust Time-Off balance HERE.

--IMPORTANT-- You should automate this process by enabling Code Sharing. When employees clock in and out, TimeClock will calculate the number of hours worked automatically. As long as you have enabled Code Sharing between Attendance and TimeClock in Global Preferences, your Attendance module [will] be able to calculate the proper Sick Time each employee should accrue.

If however, you have [not] enabled Code Sharing between the two software titles, or in cases where an employee does not clock in and out, you will have to manually enter a W onto each date worked in the Attendance module on the Calendar screen and ascribe the appropriate amount of time to that code to reflect the number of hours [worked] that day. That way the software can calculate the proper amount of Sick Time that is due. 



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