TimeClock - Manual TimeClock Entries

Manual Time Clock Entries



Reason for Change

A Reason is required for Creating a Manual TimeClock Entry or Entering Hours for a Date.

Punch Date

This is the date of the punch entry.


This designates In or Out of the punch.


This is the time of the punch entry.

Work Date

This is the Work Date the punch refers to.


Comments are not required but may be helpful when reading a reason at a later date.

Punch Date Versus Work Date

When creating a new time entry, there are two date fields: Punch Date and Work Date. The Work Date represents the date the entry is counted toward. Normally, you won’t need to change the Work Date unless you have work shifts that go past midnight. For example, Josh starts work and clocks in at 8 PM on Monday night. He gets off work at 4 AM on Tuesday morning but forgets to clock out. A manual time entry is created for him, punching him out at 4 AM; the Work Date is of the previous date (the actual date Josh started work). Punch Date represents the day that you are creating the entry.

To know more about Reason Codes and how to use them, visit this ARTICLE.

Edit allows you to change an existing entry. You must be given rights to have this feature. Remember that the Reason for Change block is required and tracked. Editing a time entry is similar to creating a new entry except you only have the choice to change a punch time entry.

Delete will erase the selected time entry and record the deletion. All changes and deletions are recorded and tracked. To view deleted time entries, go to Reports > Deleted TimeClock Entries.

Print allows you to print an employee time card for the selected date range.

Help allows you to bring up the help file for this screen.

Time card Entries

The time card entries have the following coding:



Blue band

A blue band designates the selected entry.

White band

A white band designates an IN punch.

Teal band (bluish green)

A teal band designates an OUT punch.

Gray band

A gray band designates that a manual entry was given for a set amount of hours. For example, Josh took eight hours of Vacation on 3/15/2002, and a manual entry was entered for his time.

Plus (+) Sign

A plus (+) sign designates a punch was changed or manual entry was entered.

Asterisk (*)

An asterisk (*) designates that there is a double-punch; either two IN punches or two OUT punches together. Action should be taken on such an entry of either adding a new entry or correcting an existing entry. Hours cannot be calculated for a double-punch entry.

--CAUTION-- If you see an asterisk (*) next to a time entry, this means that some action should be taken, such as correcting a punch.

--TIP-- Right-clicking on an entry will show you the rounding rules (Work Schedule Rules) for that entry.



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