Creating Employee Personal and Emergency Contacts
It is advised that you first create Personal Contacts for each of your employees before setting up your Benefit Plans. This allows these contacts to appear on the list of individuals who may be covered by the plan [if] applicable. As you enter each personal contact you will be given the option of designating the new contact as an Emergency Contact. For each one designated as an Emergency Contact, you will have the option of selecting the “order” in which they should be contacted in the event of an emergency involving the employee.
1. Click on Personal Contacts on the menu on the left side of the screen and then, click New and enter required data.
2. To add a photo of the contact (perhaps required for security reasons) you should click Edit Picture button. This will allow you to navigate to where the photo is saved. The photo must be no larger than 200 X 200 pixels. If it is larger than this it cannot be saved into the program. You would need to use a program like Photo Shop to reduce it to 200 X 200 pixels.
3. Later when you assign a benefit to an employee that will also cover dependent family members, the names entered here will appear as potential beneficiaries that may be selected. the example below shows the "Spouse" and "Child" contacts under the list of participants for a Medical Plan.
To Learn more on how to create and assign Benefit Plans visit this ARTICLE
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