Attendance & Records - How To: Dumping Large Amounts of Data from the Database File

--IMPORTANT!-- To delete data from your database in an effort to make it smaller, the process is not going to be simple. We cannot guarantee success so we cannot stress strongly enough how important it is to either back up your data or outright copy it [before] you proceed. It is equally vital that you follow the steps precisely as presented below. If the results are not satisfactory, you can always recover the original data that you copied or backed up.

1. First either copy your database (hrware.gdb) or back it up.

2. Click View > Employee Display Filter.

3. Uncheck Active, leave Inactive checked, and uncheck Terminated, and leave Part-Time and Full-Time checked.

4. Leave Hire Range unchecked.

5. Check Deleted and click OK.

6. Click the small x just under the Gradience logo in the upper-right corner of the screen. This will cause all of your formerly deleted employees to become visible. Some of the names however, may be Inactive as opposed to "Deleted". This is because you had to leave [Inactive] "checked" in step 3 above.

7. Document all of your formerly deleted employees along with their SSN and Employee ID Numbers. You might want to do a screen shot or several screen shots to capture all of them.

8. As you document each one or after you have documented them all, change the status of each one to Active and ensure that you have a Job Title entered and a Location and Department entered. These do not have to be correct. We just need something (anything) in each of these fields. Remember, these are deleted employees anyway. As you change an employee's Employment Status to Active and then click Save he or she will disappear from view. This is because back in Step 3, you "unchecked" Active. So you basically told the program to not display Active employees. We still have a long way to go so hang in there. Remember too that you either copied your database or you backed it up in step 1.

9. Once again, click View > Employee Display Filter.

10. Re-check Active, Leave Inactive checked, re-check Terminated, leave Part-Time- and Full-Time checked. Leave Deleted checked.

11. Use the list of your formerly deleted employees as a guide for who not]to delete and go forward with deleting your truly active-current employees. Remember too that you either copied your database or you backed it up in Step 1 so you're safe in doing this. If you don't know how to "delete" an employee, click on that employee's name and then click File > Delete Employee. They will not be permanently gone. You will recover them later.

12. Once all of the truly current employees have been deleted, you may remove all transactions for all of the employees that are visible. Again, the visible employees are in reality the ones who no longer work for you but the program "thinks" that these are current, active employees.

13. Click File > Maintenance > Remove Transactions.

14. When a popup window opens, enter a Begin Date that goes as far back as the earliest transaction for the employees that are "visible".

15. Enter a Through Date of "today" (whatever the date is \when you do this).

16. Make sure that all check boxes are "checked".

17. Click the green check mark Run Process and when you get the Removal Complete popup, click OK.

18. Close-out of the program and reopen it. Once back in, verify that there are zero transactions for everyone. No Time Earned. No Time Used. No Adjustments, etc.

19. Now, delete all of the "visible" employees by clicking on the first name and clicking File > Delete Employee. Do this until no employees are "visible".

20. Once again, click View > Employee Display Filter.

21. Uncheck Active, leave Inactive checked, and uncheck Terminated, and leave Part-Time and Full-Time checked.

22. Leave Hire Range unchecked.

23. Check Deleted and click OK. You will now see all employees.

24. Use your documentation/list from Step 7 as a guide and go one-by-one changing the Employment Status of those individuals not listed to Active and click Save as you go. One-by-one, names of truly "active" employees will disappear because in Step 21 you "unchecked" Active. By the time you're finished, the only names "visible" will be the names of the employees no longer working for you.

25. Once again, click View > Employee Display Filter.

26. Re-check Active, leave Inactive checked, and uncheck Terminated, and leave Part-Time and Full-Time checked.

27. Leave Hire Range unchecked.

28. Un-check Deleted and click OK. You will now see only your truly active and current employees and all of their transactions will still be intact.



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