Forms Manager - Combine Several Forms into One

Combine Several Forms into One in Forms Manager

You will need to open two instances of Forms Manager simultaneously.

1.   Open Forms Manager and bring up the form from which you will copy.

2.   From within the form, left-click on the area to be copied. This will capture the area to be copied.

3.   Now, click on Edit and then click Copy. Now, minimize this instance of Forms Manager.

4.   From your desktop, click on the Forms Manager icon again to open another instance of the program.

5.   Open the form into which you wish to paste what was copied from the other instance of the program.

6.   At the top click on the Design/Filler Mode icon. It has the image of a triangle and a ruler.

7.   Click the EditSelect All.

8.   Click EditPaste. The pasted portion may overlap a pre-existing potion of the form.

9.   Use the down arrows, located on your keyboard to move the form into the desired area.

10. Save this form to your Custom Forms folder and if necessary, give it a unique name.






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