Forms Manager - User's Guide

Gradience Forms Manager - User's Guide

Perform a variety of common tasks within the Gradience Forms Manager

Click any item listed below for information on that topic 

Cannot Enter a Product Key How to proceed past the license dialog prompt.

Instructions - Getting Started Getting started with Forms Manager.    

Add or remove a border from an embedded image. How to add or remove a border from an image.

Combine elements from several forms into a single form. Create one Form from Several.

Custom Forms Folder Location of customer forms folder.

Email Forms How to e-mail forms using Forms Manager.

Launch Error "is not a valid integer How to fix an integer error in the program.

License Key Not Accepted How to proceed past the license dialog prompt.

Logo How to add a logo to a form.

Move Gradience Forms Manager to a New Computer How to move Forms Manager to a new PC.

Send Your Forms Folder to Tech Support Send a form to technical support for troubleshooting.

Support / Training Your training/support options.

Update Gradience Forms Manager for FREE Take advantage of periodic updates to the software.



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