TimeClock - Creating a Time Card Run

1. Click on Time Card Runs on the left side of the screen.  When the Time Card Runs screen opens, click New Run. When the New Time Card Run screen opens, enter the name of the run, the lock mode, the Batch State, and the Date Range.  Locking a Time Card Run prevents users from making Time Card entries on dates within the run.

2. Select the Locations, Departments or individual employees the report will cover and click Save and Close.

3. Under Select a Time Card Run, select a run and click Preview to see the report on the screen before printing.

4. The Time Card Run Report shows totals of regular time, overtime, and the First and Second Column descriptions for Reported Payroll Description Columns under (Settings > Global Preferences > Time Clock) in a “column” format.

--NOTE-- The Time Card Runs Report will only report regular time, overtime, and the payroll descriptions for First and Second Columns under the Global Preferences > TimeClock tab. All other reasons will fall under the “Other” column.



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