Perform a variety of common tasks within Gradience TimeClock
If you've not yet set up the software,click here for the Initial Setup Guide.
Click on the topic below for the steps you need.
Attaching Files/Photos Attach MS Word files, Excel files, PDFs, Photos, PowerPoint files.
Backups - Back up your data manually You may manually back up your data any time.
Backups - Backup your data automatically Take the worry out of backing up.
Backups - Restore data that was previously backed up Recover previously backed up data.
Clocking IN & OUT Allow employees to clock in and out.
Clocking IN & OUT - Manually Entering / Adjusting Punches Manually enter/adjust punches.
Counting Vacation Time towards Overtime Calculations Let Paid Time-Off count toward overtime.
Downloading and Installing a FREE Gradience Update Take advantage of FREE updates.
Company Holidays Enter individually each year. Holidays don't automatically repeat yearly.
Database Maintenance Resolve most error messages and performance issues quickly and easily.
Emailing Reports How to e-mail reports.
Employees - Entering Names CAUTION! If you are just starting out, just enter a few names at first.
Employees - Hide or Display Make selected types of employees visible or invisible.
Entering Hours Manually Enter full number of hours worked in a single entry.
Exporting Time Sending portions of Gradience data outside Gradience.
Global Preferences / Settings Establish your global preferences.
Introduction Get acquainted with how the program works.
Locations and Departments Establish your locations and the departments within each location.
Logo Put your organization's logo at the top of all of your Gradience reports.
Reminders Set up one-time reminders or recurring reminders for one or multiple employees.
Reports - Saving Save reports in a variety of formats including Word, Excel, Rich Text and PDF.
Security - Set Permissions for Users Each user may be given unique access rights within the software.
ID Badge Setup Setting up your ID swipe badges
ID Badge Setup (Multiple, one-at-a-time) Setting up multiple ID swipe badges, one-at-a-time.
In Out Board Easily see who is in and who is out.
Job Codes Accommodate shift / position differential, billable hours, contract work costs.
Reason Codes Reasons for punch changes, manual time entries/deletions, overtime
Rounding Rules for Punches Allow a grace period for employees clocking late.
Shifts Crossing Work Week Allow worked time to be ascribed to each 7-day work week properly.
Store and Forward Feature Stored and forward punches when database connectivity is interrupted.
Swipe IN and OUT without a Swipe Card Clock in and out using the Remote Terminal's keypad.
Swipe Card Setup Create swipe cards for use when clocking in and out via a local swipe card reader.
Minimag Reader Swipe Card Setup How to setup the Minimag USB Reader (S0061)
Swipe Card Setup when using the Remote Terminal This procedure is for the ET215/ET315.
Finger Print Reader Setup This procedure is for the USB Fingerprint Reader.
Time Card Runs These are exported to any one of 16 different payroll systems.
TimeClock Access Establish clocking parameters and work schedule assignment.
TimeClock Accessories Accessories tested for compatibility with Gradience TimeClock.
TimeStation Troubleshooting Diagnosing issues with TimeStation and your connection.
Using TimeClock over a Network that spans Different Time Zones Great for Wide Area Networks.
Work Schedules Establish the rules of each work schedule.
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