Handbook Manager - Tutorial

Learn How to Use Gradience Employee Handbook Manager

Note: If you downloaded a 30-day trial, you won't need a product key. When you purchase the software license, you will receive your product key in your email order confirmation.  Until then, click Continue in Demo when you first open the program. Anything you publish while in demo mode will have a water mark across each page that reads SAMPLE.

The program will have 100% functionality for 30 days after which it will go into read-only. Once in read-only mode you you will be able to get into the software and see what you've done but you will not be able to enter, edit, or delete any data.

Once you purchase the license, you may enter the product key at which point, the software will become fully functional once again and all of what you entered during the demo period will still be there.

You may click on the attached PowerPoint Presentation file or watch the Jing video.



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