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Purposes of the Initial Deposit:
If you recently started using Gradience and have employees that should already have earned Time-Off time. You may use this feature to enter those current balance.
You may have just begun using Gradience but you want the software to begin managing your Time-Off from some earlier point such as the beginning of this year so you need to enter balance that existed just prior to the starting point where Gradience will begin managing your balances automatically.
You may have run Time-Off accruals before an employee existed in the software so you now need to manually give the employee what he/she would have earned had the employee existed when the Time-Off accrued to everyone.
Entering Initial Deposit:
1. Click Time-Off Assignments over on the left.
2. Select an employee name.
3. Under Initial Deposit in the upper-right, enter the amount of Time-Off you wish this employee to have initially.
4. Under Date of Initial Deposit enter the effective date of the balance the employee is starting out with.
5. Click Save.
--CAUTION!-- Do not enter an amount for a date when a Time-Off plan is scheduled to make a deposit automatically.
--CAUTION!-- Do not come back and enter a new amount for a new date unless you are making a correction. This is a one-time entry. You only open a bank account once.
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