Clocking in and out
There are two ways to clock in and out of Gradience TimeClock, and both are described below. You can use a keyboard or a magnetic swipe card using a card reader. Gradience TimeClock may be installed on one or two central computers or on all of your employees’ computers so they may clock in/out from their desks.
--NOTE-- Employees use the Gradience TimeStation to clock in/out. Managers and supervisors use the Gradience TimeClock Admin portion of the program to manage employee time.
We have made clocking in/out as easy as possible. Employees clock in and out from the Gradience TimeStation application. Employees may clock in using the keyboard or using a magnetic stripe card (swipe card) and card reader.
Using a swipe card and card reader allows for faster clocking in/out, but may not always be cost effective. You may install Gradience TimeStation on your employees' computers and allow them to clock in/out from their desks. (See the Software License Agreement at the front of the manual.)
Display data, messages, photo when clocking IN or OUT
First ensure that the photo is in Gradience.
Select an employee and click Employee Detail, and on the right side of the screen, click Edit Picture.
When the popup opens, click Assign New Photo;go to the folder containing the photo, click on the photo and click Open.
If you get a message that the file is too large, click Yes. It may come over anyway. If the photo does not appear or is too distorted, you will need to resize it and try again. Limit it to 200 x 200 pixels.
If the photo appears and is acceptable, click OK. The photo will appear on the Employee Detail screen, the Employee Detail Report, and will now be available to be displayed when clocking IN and OUT in TimeClock.
To display data, messages and/or employee photos when employees clock IN and OUT do the following:
From within Gradience TimeClock, click Settings > Messages. The following popup window will open. Check the kinds of data you wish to display and enter any message you wish to display when clocking IN and OUT on the TimeStation.
--NOTE-- This is only relevant for Gradience TimeStation not the Web TImeStation.
Below is an example of what will display when an employee clocks IN. The same kinds of data will be displayed when clocking OUT. The message that displays when clocking IN may be different from the message that displays when clocking OUT.
You could grant each employee's login and password to have Read Only rights in Attendance and [only] for the employee's [own] name]. Then install Gradience Attendance on a computer/laptop in the lunch room or some other common area where you could set up a kiosk where each employee could log into Gradience Attendance to see [only] his/her own name and see [only] the Time-Off balances and absences on the calendar for him/her. Visit this ARTICLE to learn how to set up User Rights.
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