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Manually Adjust the Balance:
On the Attendance page, click Transactions from the left Navigation panel.
Select an employee you want to manually adjust the balance.
On the right panel, click the tab for the type of Time-Off being adjusted.
Click New, click Yes to the message that pops up about affecting the balance.
In the Edit Transaction window, enter the necessary data into the following:
- Transaction Date
- Transaction Type
- Amount in hours, regardless of how you display or accrue the Time-Off.
To adjust the balance up, enter an Positive Adjustment. Do Not use the term Time Earned.
See NOTE below.
To adjust the balance down, enter an Negative Adjustment.
In both cases, be sure to enter the amount in positive hours regardless of whether you display your time in Days or Hours.
Example: If your Display Mode has been set to Days and you need to increase an employee’s balance by two days and the employee works 8 hours a day, you would enter an Positive Adjustment of 16 hours.
You may enter the details with regards to the change under Transaction Notes.
--NOTE-- If ever you need to remove and re-run Time-Off accruals, you will see that by default, Adjustments and Used are [not] checked. Any manual transactions entered on the Transaction screen identified as Positive Adjustment will [not] be removed.
However, if you identify what is actually a positive adjustment as Time Earned, it will disappear later if you remove accruals for a date range that includes the date of that manual entry. This is because any transaction identified as Time Earned is what is being removed.
Attached below is a PDF file while a bit dated; may contain additional information.
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