Gradience Pro / Enterprise - User Security Setup

There are 3 ways to grant users Access Rights:

  • Setup rights from scratch.
  • Clone another user's rights.  
  • Nearly clone another user's rights.  See Note at the bottom.

Option One: Setup rights from scratch.

1. From any screen, click on Settings and then on User Rights

2. Simply click the New button.

3. Enter new log In.

4. Enter new Full Name.

5. Enter new Password.

6. Enter password again in the Verify Password field.

By default, the Common Features button (not Employee Detail) will be depressed.  A feature list associated with the Common Features button will appear at the lower right:

1. Click on each item in the Access Rights column one at a time. When you do, the item will highlight and a down arrow will appear.

2. Click on the down arrow and a drop-down menu will appear.

3. Click on the selection that provides the appropriate level of access. Repeat this for each item on the list of features.

You will have an additional button on your screen for each Gradience program installed:

  • Gradience Attendance
  • Gradience Records
  • Gradience TimeClock
  • Gradience FMLA Tracker

Click each of these buttons respectively and repeat steps 1, 2 & 3 directly above. This will inform the database as to the level of access this person will have for each program loaded.  Do this only once. 

Now click the Location/Department button and ensure that the appropriate Locations and Departments are checked.  If you wish to have access to selected features for all locations and departments, you will need to check them all.

Option Two: Clone another user's rights.

1. Click Settings > User Rights and highlight the user who’s rights are to be duplicated.

2. Click the double-green check marks Clone button at the top.  A pop-up window will open.

3. Enter the new login, enter the name of the new user, enter the new password and enter the password again.

4. Click Save.

Option Three: Nearly clone another user's rights.

--NOTE--  To “nearly” duplicate another user’s rights, follow the steps in Option Two but before saving, “change" the access rights to those features that need to be restricted or enhanced.  Then, click Save.



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