Gradience Software is not supported on Citrix or Terminal Services.
Although some of our customers have reported running Gradience in Citrix we have not tested our software in such an environment. We therefore do not support our software when it is installed in such an environment.
Additionally, Gradience technical assistance is only for the applications themselves and not for troubleshooting network issues.
If you wish, you may use this link to access a PDF that may help.
Below is the only information that we have regarding Terminal Services.
Standard Client/Server install on a Terminal Server
Install the gradience product on the Terminal Services Server using the Add/Remove programs in the Control Panel.
On the Server where Gradience is installed, please do the following:
- In Windows XP or Server 2003: Click Start > Run, type hrware.ini and click OK.
- In Vista, Windows 7, 8, &10 or Server 2008/2012: Go to C:\Programdata\gradience.
--NOTE-- The Programdata folder may be hidden.
Open the Hrware.ini file. This will bring up Notepad. The 3rd or 4th line from the top will be...
Change SERVER=Localhost to SERVER=
Even though Localhost is the same as the IP Address of, we have found that in many cases you will need to enter the IP Address instead of the name.
We also found that the User would need to be logged on to the Terminal Service with Administrative rights. Without administrative rights, our database server (Firebird) will not function, and the user will not be able to access the database file. This suggests that an Admin user has privileges to system files/DLL’s that a standard user would not.
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