Gradience Pro / Enterprise - Moving from One Standalone to Another

Please read the important Tip below.

At the Old Computer:

Find your production database file. Never assume the location of your data. You [may] have more than one Gradience database. You need to be sure that you are going to access the one that is in use.

Go to C:\ProgramData\Gradience. Open the Hrware.ini file. When it opens, ignore most of what you see and focus on just two lines. The line [very near the top] that starts with…


…and ends with…


…will indicate the specific location of your data.

Go to that location and copy the database named Hrware.gdb. You may wish to also copy the Backup folder just above it as well. Save both in a neutral location that you can access from the new computer.

At the new Computer:

--NOTE-- It is not until you begin the installation process that you will select the specific software title(s) you need. 

1. Click here to access the installation file for Gradience.

2. Go to where you saved a copy of your original database and copy it again.

3. Go to C:\ProgramData\Gradience and replace the new database with the copy of your original.

4. You should also replace the new, empty, local, backup folder with the copy of your original.

5. Launch the software on the new computer to verify that you can access your original data.

6. Click Help > About to verify your and that your license expiration date.

Click here to troubleshoot connection issues.

--TIP!-- Because you will be continuing to run the software as a standalone, Please back up your data off of the new computer. Back it up to a folder on your server or to a folder on an external drive. If you back up the data [locally] you will lose everything when the computer crashes.

NEVER assume that your server backups capture a copy of the data residing on your computer!

Also, it is highly recommend that you automate Gradience backups and ensure that they are sent to a network folder or a folder on an external drive. Even if the server does nightly backups, it's just so much faster and simpler to restore a Gradience backup than to recover a copy of the database captured by your nightly server backups. The links below cover this.

To back up your data automatically visit this ARTICLE

To restore data that was previously backed up visit this ARTICLE 



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