Second web article pertaining to Incorrect Overtime earned, read the first article here.
Overtime is calculated on the particular 7-Day work week you established in the work schedule that happens to be assigned to eh employee.
There are essentially two parts to this:
1. Create a work schedule where the work week begins on Wednesday and...
2. Assign this work schedule to the employee.
You may attribute your issue to one of the following causes:
- Someone failed to create a work schedule.
- Someone failed to ensure that the work week in the work schedule begins on Wednesday.
- Someone failed to assign a correctly formatted work schedule to the employee.
Subtle-yet important caveats:
- When creating the work schedule, please select 12:00 AM for the time-of-day on which it begins regardless of when you actually open your doors for business. If you select another time-of-day than this, the software will not function properly.
- We recommend that you set the effective date of the work schedule to a date that predates the first workweek to which it will apply.
Learn more about Work Schedules and Reporting Periods
Learn how to change work schedule rules
Learn how to reset the effective date of a work schedule
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