--NOTE-- The options below have never been tested using in conjunction with tablet devices. We have no support articles for any tablet related inquiries.
Gradience TimeStation:
Used with a computer screen and keyboard; type in your login and your password. You then click the Clock In button or the Clock Out button. This produces a popup indicating the punch was successful. You then click OK. This then sends the punch to Gradience TimeClock where it will be seen on the TimeClock Entries screen.
The Fingerprint Reader:
This is a device you connect to the computer by way of a USB connection. TimeStation must be onscreen. Setup and use the fingerprint reader as normal, which will then automatically identify the employee on the TimeStation screen and automatically select Clock In or Clock Out as necessary based on the last punch. The employee would then click OK. The software can be set to understand that this is a new IN punch in cases where the employee forgot to punch out the day before.
The Minimag Swipe Card Reader:
This is a device you connect to the computer by way of a USB connection. TimeStation must be onscreen. You would use the Minimag Swipe Card Reader, which will automatically identify the employee on the TimeStation screen and automatically select Clock In or Clock Out as necessary based on the last punch. The employee would then click OK. The software can be set to understand that this is a new IN punch in cases where the employee forgot to punch out the day before.
Remote Swipe Card Reader:
This device connects to the Gradience database via an Ethernet cable just as another computer would connect to your network.
It can be wall mounted or desk mounted and you may use magstripe cards or you may use the keypad to clock in and out.
This device connects to the database via a small app that comes with Gradience TimeClock called TimeClock Remote. If connectivity between the reader and the database is interrupted, the TimeClock Remote App will store punches and then forward those punches to the database once connectivity has been restored.
Web TimeStation:
This device connects to the Gradience database via your corporate intranet. This is only available under an Enterprise license. The advantage of this is that it allows an unlimited number of employees to clock in and out from their respective workstations simply by navigating to the page where this resides within your corporate intranet. Once it is on-screen, the employee would clock in or out as necessary. No software needs to be physically installed on the employee's workstation.
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